
Pound a Week - Week 6

Baseline: 301.9
Last Week: 293.3
This Week: 291.6
Change This Week: -1.7
Total Change: -10.3

Another successful week, yay! What I am enjoying about this process is this:  Where in the past I have lost more weight more quickly and have subsequently gained it right back, this at least feels like I am losing the weight in a sustainable manner. Yes I have modified my diet and level of exercise habits, but it is neither a starvation diet nor an extreme amount of exercise. Instead both are at a level that I feel like I can consistently maintain for the long term.

Of course, six weeks is way to early to proclaim victory. I know that. But I have a drawer full of jeans that are perfectly good but a little too tight to fit, and I am working towards having them fit properly by the time the Central Florida weather cools off enough to where jeans are daily wear.


Ben and Snow White

Ben and Snow White

About Shmoolok

The word "shmoolok" is a mashup of the longtime computer handles for my wife and myself ("Shmooby" and "Lokheed", respectively).

I originally created this website to be a place for my family to connect, but it has since grown into something a little different.

As for me -- I am a father, a husband, a son, a software developer, and a writer. On any given day I am not sure how good I am at any of those particular things, but I do try my best.

Thank you for visiting my website.

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ISBN: 1-482-09330-8

Benjamin's Lullaby

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